In this workshop, we want to demonstrate the process of building, coding, and connecting telerobots (remotely controlled robots) over long distances. To do so, you will send commands to Airtable (described in the next section), and these commands will be read by a receiving source that then runs the corresponding action to the command.
To do so, follow the tabs at the top of the page in order!
Airtable lets you create a base which holds all of
your tables.
Tables are like spreadsheets that you can update from anywhere, and they can hold all sorts
of values, like numbers, strings, and dates! Inside a table, there are fields.
Each field has
a datatype
assigned to it, so numbers can only go in number fields, and so on. The rows that hold the data are called records.
In this workshop, we will use Airtable to allow our computers and robots to communicate over long distances.
We will post commands to an Airtable that a receiving robot subscribes to, and when the robot recognizes a
command, it will then run the corresponding code.
Based on documentation originally written by Dr. Ethan Danahy
Dr. E's Lab
Pediatric cancer patients connect through a robot
Young cancer patients use telerobots to attend school and their friends.
The Future of Remote Work is in Telerobotics
Tactile Telerobot
Robocath_First telerobotic procedure in Europe
Ethan Danahy, James Dwyer, Rachel Hsin, Sebastian Fernandez, and Gabriel Sessions
Content is Copyright 2022 by Chris Rogers
LEGO®, the LEGO® logo, the Brick, SPIKE™, and the Minifigure are trademarks of ©The LEGO®
All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All rights
This workshop and content isn’t affiliated, authorized, or endorsed by The LEGO Group.
When you’re building, think about…
The tall telerobots were built by Rachel Hsin, and the GIF robot was built by Julia Zelevinsky and Sebastian
Code your robot and move it using the arrow keys!
1. Visit the LEGO SPIKE App (or another IDE)
to write and download 4 movement and 1 "extra action" program to your hub.
Make sure you download the code to the right slots! (see below)
2. Connect to ServiceDock (click on the icon to the right, select your robot, and wait for the circle to turn
3. Move your robot using the arrow keys below.
CHECKPOINT: Can you drive your robot around your room?
Create an Airtable, fill in the blanks below, and update the table using the buttons!
Use this guide to set up your own Airtable.
CHECKPOINT: Can you see the "forward" command in your Airtable after clicking the forward button?
Use your Airtable to control your robot!
Make sure your robot is still connected to ServiceDock :)
CHECKPOINT: Can you see changes being made in your AirTable as you drive your robot around your room?
What code should go where?
Code Example: Moving Forward Using MotorPair
This code was made using the LEGO Education SPIKE Web App.